Wanton Horne Chapel of Peace Funeral Home Privacy Policy
At, Wanton Horne Chapel of Peace Funeral Home, we understand that the privacy of our visitors and the knowledge of our use of information collected from each visitor is important in our activities. Please feel free to read our privacy policy and we encourage you to contact our firm about any of the information located below if you need further assistance.
Contact Information:
If you feel that there is a need to contact our firm, please use one of the following methods:
Wanton Horne Chapel of Peace Funeral Home
12519 Buckeye Road Cleveland, OH, USA 44120
(216) 921-6400
Email Address:
Your IP address:
We collect the IP Address and Domain Name that is used when surfing our web site. We use this information for Site Traffic Statistics and analysis and only retain our last 60 visitors. We also receive your IP Address when you complete a search on our site inorder to help our firm better recognize what is being searched by our visitors. All IP Addresses and Domain Names are kept with the upmost confidentiality.
Use of Cookies
A cookie is used by Wanton Horne Chapel of Peace Funeral Home only when there is persistent data that is required to use the Web Site, ie. Administration Mode, and when an E-Commerce order form is being completed. For general viewing of pages, there are no use of cookies.
When a user is wishing to purchase the product(s) that they have chosen they will be asked to complete a online form. When a user completes a section of the form and clicks on the "Next" button, not only does the form progress to the Next page but a cookie is created on the visitors computer with the information that they just completed. The purpose of the shopping basket cookie is to remember your information so that if you leave or get disconnected and come back to the order form our server will be able to complete the sections of the order form for you including product selected.
Security Monitoring
All login attempts to Administration Mode will be monitored by FrontRunner Professional. Each failed attempt is written back to the server and analyzed by the staff of FrontRunner Professional.
E-Commerce Module
Our E-Commerce Module incorporates the SSL technology provided by InternetSecure, a third party transaction company. When you are completing the ordering process the final step will take you from Wanton Horne Chapel of Peace Funeral Home web site to InternetSecure 128-bit encrypted page. There your credit card information will be taken and the order will either be approved or declined. If your order is approved, Wanton Horne Chapel of Peace Funeral Home receives only a confirmation number that your order was approved and a list of the items that has been ordered. The credit card information is not recorded either through Wanton Horne Chapel of Peace Funeral Home or InternetSecure. If you have any questions please feel free to ask accounting@ittweb.com.
Questions & Comments
If you have questions, comments or concerns with either the way we use the information that is collected from your web browser or our privacy policy, please feel free to contact our firm.